Peter Hehenberger

FH-Prof. Priv.-Doz. DI Dr. Peter Hehenberger
Head of the Research Group
University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria
School of Engineering
Stelzhamerstraße 23
4600 Wels, Austria
Dr. Peter Hehenberger is Professor for Integrated Product Development and Academic Director of the Institute for Agile Transformation at the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria. He leads the “Smart Mechatronics Engineering” Research Group. Core research interests cover “Sustainability in Development and Production of Mechatronic Systems” and “Engineering Processes” along with topics on “Digital Transformation”. He has published over 140 peer-reviewed papers in international journals and conference proceedings and been guest editor for three journal special issues. Dr. Hehenberger is active in the research community where he is refers to his research area of “Mechatronic Design” as group member of IFIP WG5.1 “Global Product development for the whole life-cycle” and IFAC TC 4.2 “Mechatronic Systems”. He is Austrian representative and Communications Publications & Events Officer for IFIP TC 5 “Information Technology Applications”. He serves as an Editorial Board Member for the “IFAC Journal Mechatronics”, “Computer-Aided Design and Applications” and “International Journal of Product Lifecycle Management” (IJPLM).
- Demand-Side Management in Less Energy-Intensive Industries: A Systematic Mapping StudyDominik Leherbauer, Julia Schulz, Alexander Egyed, and Peter HehenbergerRenewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews Apr 2025
The industrial sector is a significant energy consumer amidst the ongoing energy transition to renewable energy resources. With the rising penetration of volatile renewable sources, the need for managed electricity consumption, i.e., demand-side management intensifies. However, the participation of incentivized programs is mostly limited to single consumers with a vast electricity consumption. Recent regulatory changes have allowed independent aggregators to participate in the reserve and ancillary market, enabling smaller end-users to contribute. With the numerous demand-side management contribution possibilities, including energy efficiency and demand-response measures, the objective of the study is to systematically categorize demand-side management applications across different industrial sectors and stages. Furthermore, the study aims to analyze interconnections between these objectives, which are predominantly addressed in isolation within the existing research literature. Highlighting the potential in industrial electricity consumption optimization contributes to the United Nations’ sustainable development goals 7, 9, and 13. To structure the application possibilities within the less-energy intensive industry, a systematic mapping study was conducted covering developments from 2012. An initial search was conducted on several literature databases, and structured selection and data extraction were applied. Cited and referenced studies were screened until no more relevant publications were found. Studies show a wide range of application possibilities and were structured and compiled into an application map. Trends show the increasing inclusion of storage devices in recent publications. Application of energy-flexible and energy-efficient objectives shows synergetic effects. A notable lack of studies focusing on ancillary markets within the less energy-intensive industries was discovered.
@article{leherbauer2025, title = {Demand-Side Management in Less Energy-Intensive Industries: {{A}} Systematic Mapping Study}, shorttitle = {Demand-Side Management in Less Energy-Intensive Industries}, author = {Leherbauer, Dominik and Schulz, Julia and Egyed, Alexander and Hehenberger, Peter}, year = {2025}, month = apr, journal = {Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews}, volume = {212}, pages = {115315}, issn = {1364-0321}, doi = {10.1016/j.rser.2024.115315}, url = {}, urldate = {2025-01-30}, keywords = {Demand-side management,Energy consumption planning,Energy management,Flexible energy demand,Light industry,Manufacturing,Structured literature study} }
- Physics-Based Modeling and Parameter Tracing for Industrial Demand-Side Management Applications: A Novel ApproachSustainability Feb 2024
The transition to sustainable energy sources presents significant challenges for energy distribution and consumption systems. Specifically, the intermittent availability of renewable energy sources and the decreasing usage of fossil fuels pose challenges to energy flexibility and efficiency. An approach to tackle these challenges is demand-side management, aiming to adapt energy consumption and demand. A key requirement for demand-side management is the traceability of the energy flow among individual energy consumers. In recent years, advancements in industrial information and communication technology have provided additional potential for data acquisition. Complementary to acquired data, a physics-based modeling and analysis approach is proposed, which describes the energy consumption with physical parameters. This results in comprehensive options for monitoring actual energy consumption and planning future energy demand supporting energy efficiency and demand-response goals. To validate the proposed approach, a case study with a 3D printer covering approximately 110 h of active printing time is conducted. The medium-term study results indicate a consistent parameter trend over time, suggesting its conceptual suitability for industrial application. The approach helps to monitor energy efficiency among manufacturing assets by identifying peak loads and consumption hotspots, and provides parameters to estimate energy consumption of manufacturing processes. Results indicate up to 50% energy savings when switching the printing material and indicate further potentials.
@article{leherbauer2024, title = {Physics-{{Based Modeling}} and {{Parameter Tracing}} for {{Industrial Demand-Side Management Applications}}: {{A Novel Approach}}}, shorttitle = {Physics-{{Based Modeling}} and {{Parameter Tracing}} for {{ Industrial Demand-Side Management Applications}}}, author = {Leherbauer, Dominik and Hehenberger, Peter}, year = {2024}, month = feb, journal = {Sustainability}, volume = {16}, number = {5}, pages = {1995}, publisher = {Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute}, issn = {2071-1050}, doi = {}, url = {}, urldate = {2024-03-01}, copyright = {}, langid = {english}, keywords = {demand-response,demand-side management,energy efficiency,energy simulation,industrial energy management,load management,model-based engineering,model-predictive control,parameter estimation} }
- A design process model for battery systems based on existing life cycle assessment resultsU. Akasapu, and P. HehenbergerJournal of Cleaner Production Jun 2023
A critical issue that has dominated the field of Lithium-ion Batteries (LIBs) and Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs) is their usefulness to climate change, their second life, and their recyclability. With recent developments in the discipline of circular economy, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of LIBs becomes important. There are numerous studies on LCA of LIBs and this paper investigates the existing LCA results to quantify the different parameters that could affect the decisions of a battery pack design engineer. Global Warming Potential (GWP) and Abiotic Depletion Potential (ADP) are the two most discussed environmental impacts among the previously executed LCA studies. GWP gives information on the carbon footprint associated with the usage of LIB whereas the ADP is associated with the depletion of resources, both environmental factors important to consider for a sustainable design process. This study also takes into account the Cumulative Energy Demand (CED) component, which provides a designer with a sense of the amount of energy used over the course of a LIB’s lifetime. The authors of this work suggest a design process model for a LIB pack design based on these considerations, which aids a design engineer in making the right choices. Consequently, this helps the designer to achieve more utility of raw materials, making sparing use of resources and find potentials to reduce waste in different life stages of a LIB pack.
@article{AKASAPU2023137149, title = {A design process model for battery systems based on existing life cycle assessment results}, journal = {Journal of Cleaner Production}, volume = {407}, pages = {137149}, year = {2023}, month = jun, issn = {0959-6526}, doi = {}, url = {}, author = {Akasapu, U. and Hehenberger, P.}, keywords = {Life cycle assessment, LCA, Battery systems, Electric vehicles} }
- Holistic System Modelling and Analysis for Energy-Aware Production: An Integrated FrameworkPeter Hehenberger, Dominik Leherbauer, Olivia Penas, Romain Delabeye, Stanislao Patalano, Ferdinando Vitolo, Andrea Rega, Panayiotis Alefragis, Michael Birbas, Alexios Birbas, and Panagiotis KatrakazasSystems Feb 2023
Optimizing and predicting the energy consumption of industrial manufacturing can increase its cost efficiency. The interaction of different aspects and components is necessary. An overarching framework is currently still missing, and establishing such is the central research approach in this paper.This paper provides an overview of the current demands on the manufacturing industry from the perspective of digitalization and sustainability. On the basisof the developed fundamentals and parameters, a superordinate framework is proposed that allows the modelling and simulation of energy-specific properties on several product and process levels. A detailed description of the individual methods concludes this work and demonstrates their application potential in anindustrial context. As a result, this integrated conceptual framework offers the possibility of optimizing the production system, in relation to different energy flexibility criteria.
@article{hehenberger2023, title = {Holistic {{System Modelling}} and {{Analysis}} for {{Energy-Aware Production}}: {{An Integrated Framework}}}, shorttitle = {Holistic {{System Modelling}} and {{Analysis}} for {{ Energy-Aware Production}}}, author = {Hehenberger, Peter and Leherbauer, Dominik and Penas, Olivia and Delabeye, Romain and Patalano, Stanislao and Vitolo, Ferdinando and Rega, Andrea and Alefragis, Panayiotis and Birbas, Michael and Birbas, Alexios and Katrakazas, Panagiotis}, year = {2023}, month = feb, journal = {Systems}, volume = {11}, number = {2}, pages = {100}, publisher = {{Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute}}, issn = {2079-8954}, doi = {10.3390/systems11020100}, url = {}, copyright = {}, langid = {english}, keywords = {digital transformation,digital twin,energy management,life cycle assessment,sustainability} }
- Modeling the Energy Flexible Job Shop with a Disaggregated Load Approach for Changeable ManufacturingProcedia Computer Science Jan 2023
Volatility in the availability of energy resources is a key challenge to master in the transition to sustainable energy sources. Especially with a rising share of renewable energy sources the situation is expected to intensify. To leverage the situation within an industrial context, energy-aware scheduling could be used. However, state-of-the-art simulation techniques use state-based energy determination, which is merely suitable for recurring manufacturing of products. In order to enable energy-aware scheduling within a changeable manufacturing environment, an alternative approach is researched. The approach aims to disaggregate the used manufacturing entities and identify the individual load patterns. Based on the individual load patterns , a simulation and optimization architecture was derived to conduct energy-aware scheduling in future applications. The used methods include the analysis of current methods for scheduling and energy consumption prediction and derivation of the component-based simulation approach based on the state-of-the-art. Depending on the inclusion of environmental dependencies two optimization architectures were created. A case study with a small-scale demonstrator was conducted to present and validate the approach. Within the scope of the small-scale demonstrator the approach could be validated. The main contribution of the publication is the provision of an approach for scheduling orders for merely non-recurring jobs.
@article{leherbauer2023a, title = {Modeling the {{Energy Flexible Job Shop}} with a {{Disaggregated Load Approach}} for {{Changeable Manufacturing}}}, author = {Leherbauer, Dominik and Hehenberger, Peter}, year = {2023}, month = jan, journal = {Procedia Computer Science}, series = {4th {{International Conference}} on {{Industry}} 4.0 and {{Smart Manufacturing}}}, volume = {217}, pages = {1225--1233}, issn = {1877-0509}, doi = {10.1016/j.procs.2022.12.321}, url = {}, urldate = {2023-01-13}, langid = {english}, keywords = {Energy Flexible Scheduling,Energy Job Shop,Energy Simulation, Meta-heuristic Optimization} }
- Real-Time Allocation of Volatile Energy Related Emissions in ManufacturingIn Product Lifecycle Management. PLM in Transition Times : The Place of Humans and Transformative Technologies Jan 2023
International agreements target a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. A major contributor to these greenhouse gas emissions is the generation and consumption of energy. By a varying supply and demand of different energy sources including renewables a varying energy mix results. A difficulty poses the determination of CO2 equivalent emissions for volatile energy types, because different energy sources have type-specific emission amounts. Within the manufacturing environment, the challenge is to allocate the resulting energy flows, respectively emission flows through the existing hierarchical structure.
@inproceedings{leherbauer2023b, title = {Real-{{Time Allocation}} of~{{Volatile Energy Related Emissions}} in~ {{Manufacturing}}}, booktitle = {Product {{Lifecycle Management}}. {{PLM}} in {{Transition Times}} : {{The Place}} of {{Humans}} and {{Transformative Technologies}}}, author = {Leherbauer, Dominik and Hehenberger, Peter}, editor = {No{\"e}l, Fr{\'e}d{\'e}ric and Nyffenegger, Felix and Rivest, Louis and Bouras, Abdelaziz}, year = {2023}, series = {{{IFIP Advances}} in {{Information}} and {{Communication Technology} }}, pages = {599--608}, publisher = {{Springer Nature Switzerland}}, address = {{Cham}}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-031-25182-5_58}, url = {}, isbn = {978-3-031-25182-5}, langid = {english}, keywords = {CO2 emissions,Dynamic life cycle assessment,Embodied energy, Sustainable manufacturing,Volatile emission allocation} }
- Requirements on and Selection of Data Storage Technologies for Life Cycle AssessmentMichael Ulbig, Simon Merschak, Peter Hehenberger, and Johann BachlerIn Product Lifecycle Management. PLM in Transition Times: The Place of Humans and Transformative Technologies Jan 2023
The importance of a centralized data storage system for life cycle assessment (LCA) will be addressed in this paper. Further, the decision-making process for a suitable data storage system is discussed. LCA requires a lot of relevant data such as resource/material data, production process data and logistics data, originating from many different sources, which must be integrated. Therefore, data collection for LCA is quite difficult. In practice, relevant data for LCA is often not available or is uncertain and has therefore to be estimated or generalized. This implies less accuracy of the calculated carbon footprint. State of the Art research shows that the LCA data collection process can benefit from data engineering approaches. Key of these approaches is a suitable and efficient data storage system like a data warehouse or a data lake. Depending on the LCA use case, a data storage system can also benefit from the combination with other technologies such as big data and cloud computing. As a result, in this paper a criteria catalog is developed and presented. It can be used to evaluate and decide which data storage systems and additional technologies are recommended to store and process data for more efficient and more precise carbon footprint calculation in life cycle assessment.
@inproceedings{ulbig2023, title = {Requirements on and Selection of Data Storage Technologies for Life Cycle Assessment}, booktitle = {Product Lifecycle Management. {{PLM}} in Transition Times: {{The} } Place of Humans and Transformative Technologies}, author = {Ulbig, Michael and Merschak, Simon and Hehenberger, Peter and Bachler, Johann}, editor = {No{\"e}l, Fr{\'e}d{\'e}ric and Nyffenegger, Felix and Rivest, Louis and Bouras, Abdelaziz}, year = {2023}, pages = {86--95}, publisher = {{Springer Nature Switzerland}}, address = {{Cham}}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-031-25182-5_9}, url = {}, isbn = {978-3-031-25182-5} }
- Heterogeneous Models Integration for Safety Critical Mechatronic Systems and Related Digital Twin Definition: Application to a Collaborative Workplace for Aircraft AssemblyFaida Mhenni, Ferdinando Vitolo, Andrea Rega, Régis Plateaux, Peter Hehenberger, Stanislao Patalano, and Jean Yves CholeyApplied Sciences (Switzerland) Mar 2022
Nowadays, several manufacturing systems are evolving towards a greater collaboration between human and robots. The development of such systems requires integrated design tasks involving many disciplines and domains such as systems engineering, safety analyses and multiphysics. Furthermore, the increasing presence of multiple and structured requirements makes the use of models inevitable during the designing phases and also strongly helpful during other phases of the system life-cycle. Besides, for a better efficiency, there is an increasing demand to have a Digital Twin of the system to be used for different purposes such as design improvements by playing different scenarios, virtual commissioning and controlling maintenance activities. In this paper, we first summarize the research context, the reference methodologies, and the emerging needs for Digital Twin creation. Then, we apply a design approach including Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE), Model-Based Safety Assessment (MBSA) and multi-physics modeling for the design of a collaborative workplace for the assembly of Electro-Mechanical Actuators on an aircraft wing. An operational flow to integrate MBSE, MBSA and multi-physics modelling activities is provided. Then, after having identified some relevant scientific barriers, we provide a meta-model for system models integration within a digital twin framework.
@article{mhenni2022, title = {Heterogeneous {{Models Integration}} for {{Safety Critical Mechatronic Systems}} and {{Related Digital Twin Definition}}: {{ Application}} to a {{Collaborative Workplace}} for {{Aircraft Assembly }}}, shorttitle = {Heterogeneous {{Models Integration}} for {{Safety Critical Mechatronic Systems}} and {{Related Digital Twin Definition}}}, author = {Mhenni, Faida and Vitolo, Ferdinando and Rega, Andrea and Plateaux, R{\'e}gis and Hehenberger, Peter and Patalano, Stanislao and Choley, Jean Yves}, year = {2022}, month = mar, journal = {Applied Sciences (Switzerland)}, volume = {12}, number = {6}, issn = {2076-3417}, doi = {10.3390/app12062787}, url = { }, urldate = {2023-01-18}, keywords = {Collaborative workplace,Digital twin definition,MBSA,MBSE, Multiphysics modelling and simulation,Safety critical systems} }
- A Macro-Level Process Model for Integrating Agile Approaches in the Design of Product-Service SystemsSandra Einsiedler, Sagar Mule, Christiane Rau, Peter Hehenberger, and Kristiana RothInternational Journal of Agile Systems and Management Jan 2022
Companies nowadays have to deal with faster changing industries. To gain competitiveness companies have to provide offerings that are adding value for the customer, which can be achieved through a product-service-system (PSS). Therefore, this study aims at developing an integrated approach to develop all components of a PSS while including agile approaches to ensure customer-centricity. After a thorough literature research on the topics of PSS and agile methods was carried out, a reference model was developed which integrates the specificities of these two areas forming an integrated framework for agile PSS design. The result of this research is a reference model which includes crucial steps which are specific for the development of PSS and includes customers in almost all steps. Moreover, the framework orchestrates the development of hardware, software and services specifically for PSS.
@article{einsiedler2022, title = {A Macro-Level Process Model for Integrating Agile Approaches in the Design of Product-Service Systems}, author = {Einsiedler, Sandra and Mule, Sagar and Rau, Christiane and Hehenberger, Peter and Roth, Kristiana}, year = {2022}, month = jan, journal = {International Journal of Agile Systems and Management}, volume = {15}, number = {1}, pages = {70--92}, publisher = {{Inderscience Publishers}}, issn = {1741-9174}, doi = {10.1504/IJASM.2022.124170}, url = {}, urldate = {2023-01-18}, keywords = {agile design,hybrid,product-service-system,PSS,reference model, scrum} }
- Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment as a Decision-Making Tool for the Design of Mechatronic SystemsSimon Merschak, Thierno M.L. Diallo, and Peter HehenbergerInternational Journal of Product Lifecycle Management Jan 2022
During the design process of mechatronic systems, several decisions are necessary for the optimisation of the final product. A decision support process is therefore needed to help in the choice of a satisfactory solution. In this paper, we propose an approach to integrate the performance criteria of the three sustainability dimensions in the design process of mechatronic systems. The proposed approach considers all lifecycle phases to prevent the phenomenon of impact transfer. It also uses a decision support method to assist the process of selection and calculation of different indicators for each alternative and the comparative analysis of the different investigated alternatives. The used research methodology starts with a literature review with the definition of specific LCSA methods followed by a prescriptive study establishing the process model and an empirical study on uses cases. The proposed approach is applied in a case study analysing two concepts of milk frother.
@article{merschak2022, title = {Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment as a Decision-Making Tool for the Design of Mechatronic Systems}, author = {Merschak, Simon and Diallo, Thierno M.L. and Hehenberger, Peter}, year = {2022}, month = jan, journal = {International Journal of Product Lifecycle Management}, volume = {14}, number = {2-3}, pages = {142--173}, publisher = {{Inderscience Publishers}}, issn = {1743-5110}, doi = {10.1504/IJPLM.2022.125823}, url = {}, urldate = {2023-01-18}, keywords = {environmental impact,LCC,LCSA,life cycle costing,life cycle sustainability assessment,MCDA,mechatronic systems,multi-criteria decision analysis,sustainability score} }
- Integrated Design for Product–Service Systems: A Focus on Multi-Disciplinary InterfaceChen Zheng, Zhanxi Wang, Xiansheng Qin, Benoî t Eynard, Peter Hehenberger, Jing Li, Jing Bai, and Yicha ZhangInternational Journal of Production Research Oct 2021
The increased competitive pressure forces companies to cease distinguishing products and services, and to provide customers with highly individualised solutions. To meet this requirement, it has been proposed the concept of product–service system (PSS) that is not simply an extension of physical products by delivering non-physical services to customers, but a systematic combination of products and services. However, most current studies do not consider the multi-disciplinary integration relating to the PSS design process, during which the collaboration within the product and service design teams should be achieved. Otherwise, the large number of iterative design activities resulting from poor multi-disciplinary collaboration may lead to long development lead-times and high development cost.To achieve the multi-disciplinary integration during the PSS design process, the authors propose an integrated design method using an improved interface modelling approach that provides a structural form to represent the information transfer between product and service components. The proposed PSS design method enables the product and service design teams to decrease the iterative design activities and improve their collaboration so that a more integrated design process can be accomplished. To demonstrate its effectiveness, the design method is applied to a design case of an industrial PSS.
@article{zheng2021, title = {Integrated Design for Product\textendash Service Systems: A Focus on Multi-Disciplinary Interface}, shorttitle = {Integrated Design for Product\textendash Service Systems}, author = {Zheng, Chen and Wang, Zhanxi and Qin, Xiansheng and Eynard, Beno{\^i }t and Hehenberger, Peter and Li, Jing and Bai, Jing and Zhang, Yicha}, year = {2021}, month = oct, journal = {International Journal of Production Research}, volume = {59}, number = {19}, pages = {5884--5902}, publisher = {{Taylor \& Francis}}, issn = {0020-7543}, doi = {10.1080/00207543.2020.1794077}, url = {}, urldate = {2023-01-18}, keywords = {integrated design,interface modelling approach,multi-disciplinary integration,Product-service systems,systems engineering}, annotation = {\_eprint:} }
- An Approach and an Illustrative Case Study for a Hybrid Development Process in Mechatronic System DesignSagar Mule, Peter Hehenberger, Régis Plateaux, Olivia Penas, Stanislao Patalano, and Ferdinando VitoloInternational Journal of Product Lifecycle Management Jan 2021
In Industry 4.0, the growing incorporation of cyber-physical systems (CPS) into manufacturing facilities composed of mechatronic products brings the need of reducing development cost while maintaining the quality and in parallel the need to adapt changes in the product development. It is then essential to identify the criticalities of mechatronic system development and to introduce an optimised product development approach. As a result, our research work focuses on combining traditional and agile approaches to improve mechatronic products development. To illustrate the advantages of such hybridisation, we propose a first hybrid approach along with the case study, consisting of some elements of the scrum method into the V-model which include the freedom to propagate necessary changes in product architecture during the development of its different modules. This new approach also focuses on the required guidelines to adopt and use for enhanced mechatronic products development and criteria for evaluation of the proposed method. Finally, in order to provide flexibility in product architecture and modules design, the hybrid development process is presented with illustrative case study.
@article{mule2021, title = {An Approach and an Illustrative Case Study for a Hybrid Development Process in Mechatronic System Design}, author = {Mule, Sagar and Hehenberger, Peter and Plateaux, R{\'e}gis and Penas, Olivia and Patalano, Stanislao and Vitolo, Ferdinando}, year = {2021}, month = jan, journal = {International Journal of Product Lifecycle Management}, volume = {13}, number = {3}, pages = {265--289}, publisher = {{Inderscience Publishers}}, issn = {1743-5110}, doi = {10.1504/IJPLM.2021.118044}, url = {}, urldate = {2023-01-18}, keywords = {agile approach,black box analysis,case study,hardware-in-loop,HIL, hybrid approach,mechatronic products development,MIL,model-in-loop, scrum,SIL,software-in-loop,V-model,white box analysis} }
- Transitioning Services to Result-Oriented Product-Service Systems : A Mechatronic-Based ApproachAlexander Holzinger, Dominik Leherbauer, and Peter HehenbergerIn 2020 21st International Conference on Research and Education in Mechatronics (REM) Dec 2020
The implementation of Product-Service Systems gained importance over the last years with rising competition and the need of a better fulfilment of the customers’ demands. However, whilst there are dozens of examples of products, which were transitioned to a Product-Service System, the transition from services is currently uncommon. This paper shows how an established service can be transitioned to a Product-Service System. Through the analysis of different possible solutions, the paper demonstrates how an effective conceptual design can be conducted and shows a possible way for the implementation with an existing service. The functional validation of the results shows that the approach can unleash new potentials for service providers under the right circumstances.
@inproceedings{holzinger2020a, title = {Transitioning Services to Result-Oriented {{Product-Service Systems}} : A Mechatronic-Based Approach}, shorttitle = {Transitioning Services to Result-Oriented {{Product-Service Systems}}}, booktitle = {2020 21st {{International Conference}} on {{Research}} and {{ Education}} in {{Mechatronics}} ({{REM}})}, author = {Holzinger, Alexander and Leherbauer, Dominik and Hehenberger, Peter}, year = {2020}, month = dec, pages = {1--6}, doi = {10.1109/REM49740.2020.9313076}, keywords = {Air cleaners,Business,Cleaning,Electrical resistance measurement, filter monitoring,Ice,maintenance,mechatronic,Mechatronics, Pollution measurement,product-service system,result-oriented PSS, service,transition} }
- Influence of Digitization in Mechatronics Education Programmes : A Case Study between Taiwan and AustriaIn 2020 21st International Conference on Research and Education in Mechatronics (REM) Dec 2020
Digitization has gradually emerged in the industry, research institutions, and universities to change the traditional practice. The objective of the paper is to study the influence of digitization on mechatronics education programs. One mechatronics program in Austria and one in Taiwan were compared, and the similarities and differences between the two are presented. A case study about a ducted fan system was used to illustrate how to build a digital twin demonstrator for the system and find out its remaining useful life model. The results show that the digitization started to improve mechatronics education through system simulation in both Austria and Taiwan.
@inproceedings{jungwirth2020, title = {Influence of {{Digitization}} in {{Mechatronics Education Programmes} }: {{A Case Study}} between {{Taiwan}} and {{Austria}}}, shorttitle = {Influence of {{Digitization}} in {{Mechatronics Education Programmes}}}, booktitle = {2020 21st {{International Conference}} on {{Research}} and {{ Education}} in {{Mechatronics}} ({{REM}})}, author = {Jungwirth, Mario and Hehenberger, Peter and Merschak, Simon and Lee, Wei-Chen and Liao, Chen-Yu}, year = {2020}, month = dec, pages = {1--7}, doi = {10.1109/REM49740.2020.9313897}, keywords = {Austria,Digital twin,digital twin demonstrator,digitization, Education,Industries,Mechanical engineering,Mechatronics, mechatronics education,Sensor systems,Solid modeling,Taiwan} }
- An Empirical Study on the Usage of Agile Methods in the Mechatronics IndustrySagar Mule, and Peter HehenbergerIn 2020 21st International Conference on Research and Education in Mechatronics (REM) Dec 2020
Increasing usage of mechatronics systems into different applications such as manufacturing system, home appliances with IoT , digital twin and many more, demands an efficient product development method for mechatronics products. As agile product development is known for its efficiency and flexibility in the software industry, research to implement the same approach in the mechatronics industry was more than a necessity. This research unveils the views on the mechatronics product development methods with the help of semi-structured interviews and survey. It explains the use of agile methods as per the need of the industry and in the context of mechatronics product development. Many important aspects have been surfaced such as important phases of mechatronics product development for use of agile method along with involvement of different stakeholders, its benefits, pain points while using agile method and a need of incorporating virtual prototyping into the process. With these results, conceptualization of a hybrid approach could proceed in the right direction.
@inproceedings{mule2020, title = {An Empirical Study on the Usage of Agile Methods in the Mechatronics Industry}, booktitle = {2020 21st {{International Conference}} on {{Research}} and {{ Education}} in {{Mechatronics}} ({{REM}})}, author = {Mule, Sagar and Hehenberger, Peter}, year = {2020}, month = dec, pages = {1--6}, doi = {10.1109/REM49740.2020.9313905}, keywords = {agile approach,CPS,Industries,Interviews,IoT,Mechatronics, Mechatronics product development,Product development, semi-structured interview,Software,Stakeholders,Tools,virtual prototyping} }
- Considerations of Life Cycle Assessment and the Estimate of Carbon Footprint of PowertrainsSimon Merschak, Peter Hehenberger, Stephan Schmidt, and Roland KirchbergerIn Small Powertrain and Energy Systems Technology Conference Nov 2020
@inproceedings{merschak2020c, title = {Considerations of {{Life Cycle Assessment}} and the {{Estimate}} of { {Carbon Footprint}} of {{Powertrains}}}, booktitle = {Small {{Powertrain}} and {{Energy Systems Technology Conference}} }, author = {Merschak, Simon and Hehenberger, Peter and Schmidt, Stephan and Kirchberger, Roland}, year = {2020}, month = nov, pages = {2020-32-2314}, doi = {10.4271/2020-32-2314}, url = {}, urldate = {2023-01-18} }
- SCRUM++ Framework ConceptsRégis Plateaux, Olivia Penas, Sagar Mule, Peter Hehenberger, Stanislao Patalano, and Ferdinando VitoloIn 2020 IEEE International Symposium on Systems Engineering (ISSE) Oct 2020
Traditional design processes must adapt to new industrial challenges, to the rapid evolution of technologies and the resulting complexity of systems. Today’s industry, particularly in the field of mechatronics, must design and develop ever more innovative products while reducing time-to-market in order to maintain a competitive edge. As late changes during the realization and detailed design phases lead to a considerable increase in costs and design time, it is necessary to introduce more flexibility during the development process. The agile approach has already proven successful in the design of software system and offer many benefits, as it aims to limit the rigidity of the specifications, interfaces and organization, and to involve in a more flexible way the different actors, customers, specifiers and partners. In this context, we propose a MBSE approach to identify the set of requirements related both to the mechatronic product development and to the dynamic market, companies and current new trends, in order to define the SCRUM++ framework key concepts that aim to meet previous requirements, by supporting agile hybridization methods.
@inproceedings{plateaux2020, title = {{{SCRUM}}++ {{Framework}} Concepts}, booktitle = {2020 {{IEEE International Symposium}} on {{Systems Engineering}} ({{ISSE}})}, author = {Plateaux, R{\'e}gis and Penas, Olivia and Mule, Sagar and Hehenberger, Peter and Patalano, Stanislao and Vitolo, Ferdinando}, year = {2020}, month = oct, pages = {1--8}, issn = {2687-8828}, doi = {10.1109/ISSE49799.2020.9272233}, keywords = {Agile Hybrid Approach,Agility,Companies,Mechatronic Product Development,Mechatronics,Product development,SCRUM,Scrum (Software development),Software,Stakeholders,Uncertainty} }
- From Mechatronics to the CloudDavid Bradley, David Russell, Peter Hehenberger, Jorge Azorin-Lopez, Steve Watt, and Christopher MilneOct 2020
At its conception mechatronics was viewed purely in terms of the ability to integrate the technologies of mechanical and electrical engineering with computer science to transfer functionality, and hence complexity, from the mechanical domain to the software domain. However, as technologies, and in particular computing technologies, have evolved so the nature of mechatronics has changed from being purely associated with essentially stand-alone systems such as robots to providing the smart objects and systems which are the building blocks for Cyber-Physical Systems, and hence for Internet of Things and Cloud-based systems. With the possible advent of a 4th Industrial Revolution structured around these systems level concepts, mechatronics must again adapt its world view, if not its underlying technologies, to meet this new challenge.
@incollection{bradley2020, title = {From {{Mechatronics}} to the {{Cloud}}}, booktitle = {Reinventing {{Mechatronics}}: {{Developing Future Directions}} for {{Mechatronics}}}, author = {Bradley, David and Russell, David and Hehenberger, Peter and { Azorin-Lopez}, Jorge and Watt, Steve and Milne, Christopher}, editor = {Yan, Xiu-Tian and Bradley, David and Russell, David and Moore, Philip}, year = {2020}, pages = {17--33}, publisher = {{Springer International Publishing}}, address = {{Cham}}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-29131-0_3}, url = {}, urldate = {2023-01-18}, isbn = {978-3-030-29131-0}, langid = {english} }
- Data Relevance and Sources for Carbon Footprint Calculation in Powertrain ProductionSimon Merschak, Peter Hehenberger, Johann Bachler, and Andreas KoglerIn Product Lifecycle Management Enabling Smart X Oct 2020
The purpose of this work is to point out the importance of the production phase for the carbon footprint calculation of powertrain components and to improve the understanding of necessary data for this calculation. Evaluation of lifecycle assessment data from numerous studies showed, that there is often a shift from the emissions in the use phase to emissions in the production phase, when alternative powertrain concepts are used. Therefore, in this work our focus is on the carbon emissions in the production phase of powertrain components. Data of raw materials used, production processes and supply chains is necessary and the uncertainties associated also have to be considered. At present, there is only little sufficient support for design engineers regarding the collection of relevant data for the carbon footprint calculation of powertrain production. In this work a data structure, which supports the collection of relevant data, including possible data sources, is presented.
@inproceedings{merschak2020b, title = {Data {{Relevance}} and {{Sources}} for {{Carbon Footprint Calculation }} in {{Powertrain Production}}}, booktitle = {Product {{Lifecycle Management Enabling Smart X}}}, author = {Merschak, Simon and Hehenberger, Peter and Bachler, Johann and Kogler, Andreas}, editor = {Nyffenegger, Felix and R{\'i}os, Jos{\'e} and Rivest, Louis and Bouras, Abdelaziz}, year = {2020}, series = {{{IFIP Advances}} in {{Information}} and {{Communication Technology} }}, pages = {203--214}, publisher = {{Springer International Publishing}}, address = {{Cham}}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-62807-9_17}, isbn = {978-3-030-62807-9}, langid = {english}, keywords = {Carbon footprint,Data collection,Data relevance,Powertrain, Production phase} }
- A New Agile Hybridization Approach and a Set of Related Guidelines for Mechatronic Product DevelopmentSagar Mule, Regis Plateaux, Peter Hehenberger, Olivia Penas, Stanislao Patalano, and Ferdinando VitoloIn Product Lifecycle Management Enabling Smart X Oct 2020
In industry 4.0, the growing incorporation of cyber-physical systems (CPS) into manufacturing facilities composed of mechatronic products brings forth the need of reducing development cost while maintaining the quality and in parallel the need to adapt changes along the lifecycle of the product development. Most of the traditional development methods fail to solve such new challenges. However, some agile methods, widely used in the software industry, could meet these requirements. It is then essential to identify the criticalities of agile methods regarding mechatronic system development specificities.
@inproceedings{mule2020a, title = {A {{New Agile Hybridization Approach}} and a {{Set}} of {{Related Guidelines}} for {{Mechatronic Product Development}}}, booktitle = {Product {{Lifecycle Management Enabling Smart X}}}, author = {Mule, Sagar and Plateaux, Regis and Hehenberger, Peter and Penas, Olivia and Patalano, Stanislao and Vitolo, Ferdinando}, editor = {Nyffenegger, Felix and R{\'i}os, Jos{\'e} and Rivest, Louis and Bouras, Abdelaziz}, year = {2020}, series = {{{IFIP Advances}} in {{Information}} and {{Communication Technology} }}, pages = {618--633}, publisher = {{Springer International Publishing}}, address = {{Cham}}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-62807-9_49}, isbn = {978-3-030-62807-9}, langid = {english}, keywords = {Agile approach,Hybrid approach,Mechatronic products development, Scrum,V-Model} }
- Mechatronic and Cyber-Physical Systems within the Domain of the Internet of ThingsPeter Hehenberger, David Bradley, Abbas Dehghani, and Patrick TraxlerOct 2019
There has been a shift in emphasis within systems from hardware-oriented to more software-oriented topics integrated in an overlaying communication framework (e.g., cloud-based services). This chapter presents current research in the field of the interaction between mechatronic and cyber-physical systems. It presents solution basics design methods that are illustrated by some real-world applications. The discussed case studies (Smart Home, Bio-mechatronic Systems, Cyber-Physical Production System, Data-driven analysis) provide illustration of applications involving different functional distributions of activity between the 4 key elements of people, data, mechatronics and cyber-physical system.
@incollection{hehenberger2019, title = {Mechatronic and {{Cyber-Physical Systems}} within the {{Domain}} of the {{Internet}} of {{Things}}}, booktitle = {Systems {{Engineering}} in {{Research}} and {{Industrial Practice }}: {{Foundations}}, {{Developments}} and {{Challenges}}}, author = {Hehenberger, Peter and Bradley, David and Dehghani, Abbas and Traxler, Patrick}, editor = {Stjepandi{\'c}, Josip and Wognum, Nel and J. C. Verhagen, Wim}, year = {2019}, pages = {177--207}, publisher = {{Springer International Publishing}}, address = {{Cham}}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-33312-6_7}, url = {}, urldate = {2023-01-18}, isbn = {978-3-030-33312-6}, langid = {english}, keywords = {Bio-mechatronics,Cyber-physical production system,Cyber-physical system,Data-driven analysis,Design methods,Mechatronics,Smart home} }