Acronym | ToMoDSM |
Name | Towards Model-based Demand-Side Management in Manufacturing |
Agency | Government of Upper Austria |
Track | Dissertationsprogramm |
Timespan | Oct 2023 - Mar 2026 |
Project context
Global targets such as the Paris Agreement stipulate that global warming must be limited to a maximum of 2 °C by 2050. This requires the “energy turnaround,” i.e., a switch to low-emission, renewable energy sources. However, these renewable energies are generally only available on an irregular basis. As a result, a change in the energy distribution and consumption structure is also foreseeable. Accounting for about one-third of electricity demand, the industrial sector is a major player that will continue to increase demand for electrical energy by substituting fossil fuels.
The consumer-side adjustment of energy demand in response to energy supply is also known as demand-side management, which encompasses the goals of energy efficiency and demand response measures. While the heavy industry has received considerable attention, there is a lack of research on DSM in less energy-intensive industries. Considering its electrical energy intensity and a high share of total consumption, the light industry has great potential to improve the situation with its dependence on electricity increasing in the future.
A framework for demand-side management in manufacturing will be developed to exploit this potential. Research often addresses demand response and energy efficiency in isolation, identifying improvements for individual aspects. However, current research shows an interrelation between the topics of energy efficiency and energy flexibility. Intelligent energy consumption planning in definable time horizons from minutes to days or weeks, would synergize with storage solutions such as hydrogen and support or enable high penetration of renewable energy sources.
Expected results include the methodological basis for creating demand-side management systems in electricity-intensive production environments, including smart machines and equipment. It is envisaged to create behavioural models of energy consumers, which can be applied at different levels of detail, enabling consumption planning for variable time horizons. In the framework to be developed, the energy flow should also be decomposed as far as possible, and constraints and dependencies should be mapped. This can be based on an ISO 50000 “Energy Management” certification, which is often available in the industry.